Saturday, February 4, 2017

This week we discussed gender and family. We outlined some gender roles and gender dysphoria.
With the discussion of these topics, the discussion of feminism and transgenderism came into the conversation as well. We made a little chart of women and men characteristics from our reading and before looking at this, keep in mind that we are "painting with a broad brush." What I mean by this is that females and males are more complex than this list and you can have a mixture of the characteristics.


  • Expressive
  • Cooperative
  • Detail(observant)
  • Relational
  • Language
  • Emotionally expressive
  • More white matter in the brain- can make connections better.
  • Aggressive 
  • Competitive
  • Gross(looks at the big picture)
  • Mathematical
  • Logic
  • More gray matter in the brain- one idea at a time.
There's a video on YouTube that explains the white/gray matter in male and female brains more if you're interested.

Why would God assign/command two opposites to team up?
- I think the two complete each other. We need each other to grow and learn together. God sends children to mothers and fathers to learn from each gender and to learn from each of their unique qualities. 

We saw/read so many interesting videos/articles concerning transgender and same-sex attraction. 
The idea of transgenderism is that one's biological sex is a choice. It's more of a disposition or feeling about yourself than a fact of nature. Scientists have claimed it to be a disorder in the family of similarly disordered assumptions about the body, such as anorexia and body dysmorphic disorder. There are many complications with this idea of changing your gender. The surgeries can only do so much.You can become a feminized man or a masculine woman. One can never fully become the opposite gender. This leads to depression in patients who undergo the surgeries and the suicide rates have increased in these patients over the past several years. 

There is an excellent video on YouTube that's about 30 min discussing how to better understand same-sex attraction. This video was an eye-opener and it really made me sympathize people, especially LDS members, who struggle with this. I was able to understand them more and have more love for them as Christ would. However, I still don't believe in the redefining of marriage that is going on around the world today. God's law of marriage between man and woman is still the greatest commandment we can possibly follow. 
The potential contributing factors that lead to same sex attraction are as follows:
  • Wounded gender identity
  • Bullying
  • Father hunger(absent) or (abusive)
  • Mother confusion
  • Inappropriate touch (sexual abuse)
  • Pornography
Homosexuals have a greater prevalence of : suicide, violence, antisocial behavior, substance abuse, promiscuity, prostitution, sexual addiction, personality disorders, psychopathology.
The sad thing is, that once people start to feel attracted to the same-sex, they think there is no way out and that this is who they are. However the video followed the stories of 5 men who found turning points and now have healthy, happy relationships with women. These turning points were:
  • Unwanted same-sex attraction
  • Developing healthy male relationships
  • Many men turn to religion, crying, "God, I need help!."
  • Ongoing process of healing
  • Self-esteem increased after therapy and they felt accepted again
There is a way out! There is an alternative if you are interested in seeking it. There are therapies in which you can discuss your issues and change your lifestyle if you are unhappy with this same-sex attraction. This glimpse of hope is now being taken away in different states. States around the country are banning these therapies and I believe this would be an abuse to human rights. 
I hope that as you read this, you can understand where I'm coming from. This isn't a post to bash LGBT. This is just what the research shows and proves. There are few, if any biological/genetic links, therefore, I'm sorry Lady Gaga, you were not "born this way."

Thanks for reading!
Karly B.

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