Thursday, March 30, 2017

THE LAST BLOG POST FOR THE SEMESTER! Where did it go? It feels like yesterday was the first day and Bro Williams was explaining this blog assignment and I already dreaded the class. But man, this has been one of my favorite classes I've ever taken and I have learned so much about the family. 
This last post is going to e about Divorced & Blended families. Some of the divorce trends as to why it is so common in the US are:

  • Easier today, than ever before in the past
  • Individualism
  • Americans marry more, therefore, divorce more
Some different outcomes for children of these divorced or blended families are as follows: psychological, less likely to graduate HS, less likely to go to college, more likely to have premarital sex, and more likely to experience divorce. The average divorce cost in 1998 was about $125,000 and this occurs within the first 5 yrs of marriage. 65% of divorces are initiated by women. It is so sad and crazy to see these statistics and all the affects that divorce and blended families can have on the children of these families. 
I understand that sometimes, for certain situations, divorce is the best option. For example, in class we discussed the 3 A's: Abuse, Adultery,or Abandonment. If your marriage isn't filled with any of these, I personally believe that the couple can and should work it out. If you file for divorce because the two of you "had a fight", welcome to marriage. Today's society, is filled with people who want the easy way out. Instead of working hard to keep the marriage together, they want to run away from their problems by signing a paper and paying some money. Marriage isn't a cakewalk and you can work things out if you really want to. But it takes effort and commitment 
Thanks for reading!
-Karly Buchanan 

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